He aha te kai ō te tamariki? He Kōrero, he kōrero, he kōrero. What is the food of the children. It is knowledge. It is communication


Maori Gods...

Kia Ora whanau!

For the past couple weeks we have been looking at the Gods and trying to learn as much as we can about them! So far we have studied Tangaroa and Tawhiri Matea, God of Wind and Storms and God of the Sea.

On Thursday we had a 'Kaimoana' day in our class, we got to try some of Tangaroa's beautiful creatures like the oyster, kina, smoked fish, pipi fritters (thanks Mr Wilson & nan!) and mussels. The tamariki really enjoyed themselves and enjoyed the kaimoana!

Here is what the kids said!..
Oyster: it looked milky, shiny, slimy, tasted like salt, chewy, slippery
Kina: it looked lumpy, orange, sticky tasted like soft, smooth, sweet
Smoked fish: it looked brown, dried, fleshy, tasted smoky, soft, yummy!
pipi fritter: it looked like a pancake but smaller, tasted like onions
mussels: it looked rubbery, tasted chewy, yummy, soft, amazing, stringy, 

We did some amazing writing around the kaimoana which will be published and uploaded to our website! So watch this space!


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